(Liberty of expression
and freedom of speech are here, but I ain’t Charlie.)
Democratic eavesdropping
on a private conversation between Mr. Daniel R. Russel(dumb ass), Assistant
Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific and Mr. Jonathan Head(lick-dick), BBC South
East Asia Correspondent.
Daniel R. Russel : “Apa
Jonathan Head :
Daniel R. Russel :
“WTF, we don’t do that in Texas.” (Commenting on the opening of the video while
the dance girl is on the drawn cart, video time:00:45)
Jonathan Head : “Oh
dear, very undemoKLAtic, must be a sex slave trade, they’re TLying to sell the
girl to Pataya City’s walking-street bars for sure.”
Daniel R. Russel :
“Sure thing, bro. The poor boys drawing the cart must also be slaves. The dance
depicts the most undemoKLAtic of human society, a society of slaves and
Jonathan Head : “I
read in some children books, dear, your declaration of freedom and fake,
gimmick, Hollywoodian and cliché demoKLAcy said all white men, except African
slaves, are created equal.”
Daniel R. Russel :
“You’re blaspheming against our holy mantra text, bro. Our Father in heaven will
get the shit out of your kinky Head, Jonathan or not.”
Jonathan Head : “You
have father in heaven? How superstitious. What a big f_cking deal, backward and
undemoKLAtic! I’m not Charlie Hebdo though; I’m the demoKLAtic BBC, dear. If
God exists, man is not free. If man is free, according to your mantra of
Liberty and FLeedom, then God doesn’t exist.”
Daniel R. Russel : “What
kind of shit you are broadcasting-lah. Terima kasih-lah bro, khobkun krub-lah, I
don’t buy it-lah. Is this your coming-out of the Tu-lou(土楼 ) day, or what?”
Jonathan Head : “Oh
dear, you sound so unmistakably perfectly Asia-Pacific this time; that’s from
Jean-Paul Sartre.”
Daniel R. Russel :
“A new brand of body odor repellant? Looky here bro, at video time 02:19 there
is thunderstorm without a drop of rain. Bro, you are BBC South East Asia
Correspondent, how could you possibly report thunderstorm without a drop of
rain from South East Asia?”
Jonathan Head :
“Mind you, don’t challenge me with an undemoKLAtic trap question. As Assistant
Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific how come you didn’t know that
my reporting standard was more creative than that; I am renown for reportig
farting without air.”
Daniel R. Russel : “Awesome,
we can’t do that in Chicago, bro. Hey, at video time 03:35 why didn’t she dress
in white like Marilyn Monroe, or at least like Lady Gaga? It’s more sexy that way. American women don’t
dress like that; that sucks. How f_cking weird she looks, with two long threads
of dry leaves dangling from behind her ears.”
Jonathan Head : “God
f_cks Jesus Christ! The standing dance guy must be a kind of Viking chief who
undemoKLAtically invaded Scotland some years back.”
Daniel R. Russel: “Madre
de Dios, no! He is some kind of Inca blood thristy despot generalissimo chieftain
from South America.”
Jonathan Head:
“Should we demoKLAtically continue with this undemoKLAtic conversation of ours,
Daniel R. Russel: “Are
you copping out? Hell yes, we should! To day is the coming-out of the Tu-lou(ถู่โหลว -- 土楼 ) day.”
Jonathan Head:
“Sampai bertemu lagi dengan anda, bye-bye. Selamat tinggal, dear.”
By Dan Bailé
A Thai writer
Posted on his real name blog